Africa-farmers.com platform is controlled by STEDA sarl, settled at AVENUE HASSAN II,87, SOUSS EL HARA, 3rd floor appart 14,Marrakesh, Africa. At Africa-farmers.com we recognize the importance of privacy as well as the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of personal information. This privacy Policy applies to all products and services provided by us and sets out how we collect, use and disclose information in relation to users of the Sites. This Privacy Policy also applies to users of our services and products via a mobile device, either through mobile applications or mobile-optimized websites.


We always try to ensure that we collect the minimum necessary information from you to provide you our services and protect your account:

  • collected information including user name, address, phone number, email ID. We can also collect your social media account and profile photo (fb, twitter or insta…) when you choose registration through social media platforms
  • when you register as farmer (seller) or buyer, we collect also your identity information, tax registration number, and extra information about your business, like your business license.
  • If you contact our customer service, we may record your conversation with us and collect additional information to verify your identity
  • To protect our Farmers and buyers, we verify your bank account number, billing and delivery information, credit/debit card number, expiration dates, security code and tracking information from cheques or money orders shall be collected to secure transactions through our platform.
  • Your activities on our platform such as farmers visited, prices checked and so on… are recorded in our platform to verify the buyer and secure the transaction.
  • We may record our buyers and farmers activities details on our platforms; such as IP address, user’s country and city, browser software, operating system software and hardware attributes, and so on..

A part of collected data may be defined as personal data under applicable protection law (“PERSONAL DATA”), such as user name, address, phone number, email address, are necessary for us to provide our services and products to our platform users


We collect and use your personal data for the following purposes :

  • Platform users safety
  • Verify your identity
  • to provide you with your personal Login ID, which gives you the platform access rights and allow us to manage your registration
  • enabling you to use our customer services; get in touch with us, responding to your queries, feedback, and claims
  • Facilitate communication between platform’s users.
  • Assessing account security and transaction risks of members, DETECTING AND PREVENTING FRAUD and other security incidents.
  • personalizing our communication with you based on your browsing records, equipement information we collected and your order history, and performing research or statistical analysis in order to improve the content and layout of the platforms, and to improve our product offerings and services.
  • Identify, developpe, our offers, services and marketing products
  • including across browsers and devices, in accordance with applicable laws. in addition, when you accept the use of Cookies or similar technologies for marketing purposes, to provide you with advertising based upon your browsing activities and interests.


In order to provide you our services, We may disclose and transfer your personal data to our partners and services providers engaged by AFRICA-FARMERS.COM to assist us to provide services to you or who otherwise process personal data for purposes described in this privacy policy or notified to you when we collect your personal Data. such as:

  • our business partners to offer you with discounts or offers that may interest you
  • marketing platforms, like google twitter, FB and providers of analytics services relating to users behavior, in order to customize the content you see when visiting our sites. These platforms may combine information they collect on our platforms with other data on their platforms or through other sources in order to conduct targeted ads. The activities of these marketing platforms are governed by their own privacy policies.
  • Credit risk assessment providers, to conduct risk assessment on sellers to determine whether a seller (farmer) can be permitted to make an advance withdrawal.
  • Logistics partners for providing delivery services for buyers and warehousing services for farmers/sellers
  • custom agents for customs clearances purposes
  • Cloud computing service providers to provide cloud storage services
  • warranty services providers to provide warranty services
  • customer service providers to provide After-sale services,
  • risk control service providers to assess the security of members’ accounts and transaction risks

These service providers must respect our Data privacy policy and security requirements. and use users personal data in connection with the purposes of the provided service on the platform, and not for their own purposes.

For the purposes specified above, we may share users personal data with affiliated companies or their designated service providers, including companies operating leading online and mobile marketplaces in consumer and BtoB commerce, as well as cloud computing or other services.

when it is necessary to comply with or applicable laws or to exercise establish or defend our legal rights or protect your vital interests or those of any other person, we may also disclose and transfer users personal data to our professional advisor, law enforcement agencies insurer, government and regulatory and other organisations, or as otherwise required or permitted by applicable laws

We may disclose your personal data to an actual or potential buyer, its agents and advisers, in connection with any actual or proposed purchase, merger or acquisition of any part of our business, provided that we inform the buyer it must use your personal data only for the purposes disclosed in this privacy policy. we may also disclose your personal data to any other person with your consent to the disclosure

We retain your personal data as long as we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so, or as required or permitted by applicable laws. information you submit to the platform for publication may be made publicly available on the platform, and will be accessible by africa-farmers.com visitors. Thus you should exercise caution about what information you submit to us for publication. We may provide aggregated or anonymized data to third parties, but when we do so the information we share is in a de-identified format that does not personally identify you.

We have established relationships with other parties and websites to offer you benefits of products and services which we do not offer. we offer you access to these other parties and their websites either through the use of hyperlinks to these sites from our platform or through offering “co-branded” sites in which both we and other parties share the same uniform resource locator (URL), domaine name or pages within a domain name on the internet. In some cases you may be required to submit personal data to register or apply for products or services provided by such third parties or co-branded partners. This privacy policy doesn’t apply to these third party sites or co-branded sites. The privacy policies of those other parties may differ from ours, and we do have no control over the information that you have submitted to those third parties. Thus you should read the relevant privacy policy of those third parties sites and co-branded sites before responding to any offers, products or services advertised by those parties.


You may have the rights of access to your personal data held by us, under the applicable laws. If you are a EU user, you can check the section “VISITORS FROM EU” . If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or you wish to access or correct your personal data, you can send us your request to do so. We may charge you a fee for the processing of any request you make regarding your personal Data.


In order to ease our client exchange and help you explore more our platforme, or present you new services, as per the above; we use “cookies” to store specific information about you and track your visits to the platform, on mobile version or through a computer. What are cookies!

A cookie is a small amount of data which is stored at the user's browser,on both mobile versions or computer one. as well as you use the same browser the later will memorise you once you get to the platform.these cookies will enable us to remember your information so you do not have to re-enter it every time you use the platform. also we may use cookies to manage the platform access, to gather information about users about usage by users. to assist our partners to track user visits to the platform and process orders and to track progress and participation in promotion.

For these additional purposes identified above you can determine how a cookie will be accepted by configuring the privacy setting of the browser you are using to access the platform, or the privacy of your mobile device when using your mobile to access. As the means by which you can refuse cookies through your web browser controls vary from browser to browser, you should visit your browser’s help menu for more information. If you adjust the privacy setting in the browser your mobile device will continue collecting data unless you adjust the privacy setting of the device, and vice versa. You have the right to decide whether to accept or reject cookies. If you choose to set your web browser controls to reject cookies, you may still use our website through your access to some functionality and areas of our sites may be restricted.

In addition, most advertising networks offer you a way to opt out targeted advertising. certain features of the platforms depend on cookies. Please be aware that if you choose to block cookies, you may not be able to sign in or use those features, and preferences that depend on cookies may be lost.

We use two types of cookies: session cookies (which are erased once you close the browser or shut down the device ) and persistent cookies (which remain even after closing the browser or shutting down the device application and which are activated each time you visit the platform). The session cookies use encrypted data to unambiguously authenticate you. The persistent cookies do not store account numbers or passwords. We use both cookies(cookies that are set by our platform and serve mainly to enable basic functionality on our site, including web analytics cookies that help us understand how users use our platform, to improve the client experience) and third parties cookies ( set by our selected partners).

In addition to the above we also use social media cookies. somes pages on our site allow you to share content through social media such as Instagram, FB, Twitter… sometimes we embed videos from websites like YouTube. These websites set their own cookies on which we have no influence. to refuse their cookies, you can check their instructions and policy.


Our platforms are not targeted to minors under the age of 18 years, if a minor has provided us with personal Data without parental or guardian consent, the parent or guardian should contact us at contact@africa-farmers.com, in order to delete it from our servers.


We employ commercially reasonable security methods to prevent unauthorized access to the platform, to maintain data accuracy and to ensure the correct use of the information we hold. For registered users, some of your information can be viewed and edited through your account which is protected by a password, we recommend that you do not divulge your password to anyone. None of our team will ask you for your password in an unsolicited phone call or in an unsolicited email. if you share a computer with others, you should not choose to save your log-in information (user ID and password) on that shared computer. Remember to sign out of your account and close the browser window when you have finished your session. No data transmission over the internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be perfectly secure. As a result, while we try to protect the information we hold for you, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk.


We may update this privacy policy from time to time in response to changing legal, technical or business developments. When we update our privacy policy, we will take appropriate measures to inform you , consistent with the significance of the changes we make. we will obtain you consent to any material privacy policy changes if and where this is required by applicable data protection laws. Any changes to this privacy policy will be communicated by us posting an amended privacy policy will be effective immediately. You can see when this privacy notice was last updated by checking “the last updated” date displayed at the top of this privacy notice.


This section of the privacy policy applies only if you use our sites or services covered by this privacy policy from a country that is a member state of the EU, and supplements the information in this privacy policy.

Legal Basis for Data Processing

We process personal Data for the purposes set out in this privacy policy, as described above. Our legal basis to process personal Data will depend on the personal data concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. However, we will normally collect and process personal data about you only where it is:

  • necessary for the performance of any contract between you and AFRICA-FARMERS
  • Necessary to comply with legal requirements.to comply with applicable accounting rules and to make mandatory disclosures to law enforcement.
  • Necessary for our legitimate interests and not overridden by your rights, or where it is based on your consent.

if we collect and use your personal data in reliance on our legitimate interests( or those of any 3rd party) this interest will normally be to operate our platforms and related services, manage our relationship with you and communicate with you as necessary to provide our services to you and for our legitimate commercial interest, for instance, when responding to your queries, improving our services, undertaking marketing, or purposes of ensuring the security of our platform and services detecting or preventing illegal activities like fraud. We may have other legitimate interests and if appropriate we will make clear to you at the relevant time what those legitimate interests are

If we ask you to provide personal data to comply with a legal requirement or to enter into a contract with you we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your personal data is mandatory or not(as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your personal data). In some instances you may be required to provide us with personal data for processing as described above, in order for us to be able to provide you all our services, and for you to use all the features of our platforms. We retain your personal data as long as we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so, for example to provide services or products to you, or as required or permitted by applicable laws, such as tax and accounting laws. when we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal data, we will either delete or anonymise it or, if this is not possible( for example, coz your personal data has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal data and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.

if you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your personal data, please contact us using the contact details provided in section “CONTACT US”

International Transfers of Personal data

Our business may require us to transfer your personal data to countries outside the EEA zone ( European Economic Area), including to countries that may not provide the same level of data protection as your home country. We take appropriate steps to ensure that recipients of your Personal data are bound to duties of confidentiality and we implement appropriate measures to ensure your Personal data will remain protected in accordance with this privacy policy, such as standard contractual clauses. A copy of those clauses can be obtained by contacting contact@africa-farmers.com.

Your Rights

If you are a resident of the EEA zone, you have the following data protection rights, which you can exercise at any time by contacting us at contact@africa-farmers.com:

  • The right to access, correct, update or request deletion of your personal data.
  • The right to object to processing of your personal information when it is based on our legitimate interests, and separately the right to object to direct marketing.
  • The right to ask us, in some situations, to restrict processing of your personal information or request portability of your personal information.
  • The right to opt-out of marketing communications we send you at any time. you can exercise the right by clicking on the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” link in the marketing mails we send you. To opt-out of other forms of marketing ( such as postal or telemarketing), then contact through contact@africa-farmers.com
  • if we have collected and process your personal data with your consent, then you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consen
  • The right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority
  • We respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws

If you are aware of changes or inaccuracies in your information, you should inform us of such changes so that our records may be updated or corrected.


If you have any requests, questions or concerns about our use of your personal data and this privacy policy, please contact us via our platform “CONTACT” section or at contact@africa-farmers.com